Found 4 kosher products

Kosher information for category `ryba / fish` in Czech Republic.

In Czech Republic there are 1 organizations, certifying kosher products. We found 4 kosher products. Checkout the following list in order to get the most comprehensive information about kosher products in Czech Republic. Search by product name, brand, category - just type in keywords and press `Go!` button.

Note: If you don't see information, it does not mean it is not kosher automatically - it might just not to be included in our database for some reason.

Is product kosher? Found 4 kosher products

Search for kosher products by term `` results 4 kosher products. The most relevant product is ryba všeobecné pravidlo with status Kosher. Information is obtained from Kosher Prague. Notes: Košer druhy ryb musí mít šupiny a ploutve. Jsou to např. ančovička, bělice, cejn, halibut, hejk, kambala, kapr, lín, lipan, losos, makrela, mník, mořský jazyk, okoun, parmice, platýz, pstruh, sardinky, sleď, šprot, štika, treska, tuňák aj. Všeobecné pravidlo: losos uzený studeným kouřem. Pozor na problematická éčka!

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