1 кошерных продуктов

Кошерная информация о Passion Fruit Maracuya, Spray-dried extract.

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Продукт Passion Fruit Maracuya, Spray-dried extract кошерный? Найдено 1 кошерных продуктов

Поиск по запросу `Passion Fruit Maracuya, Spray-dried extract` показал 1 кошерных продуктов. Наиболее релевантный продукт All pure dried fruit is permitted. However, oil is sometimes added, and it is therefore necessary to check the ingredients to ensure that the oil is vegetable and that no glycerin has been added.  In addition, dried or fresh dates need to be split open prior to consumption because of possible worm infestation.   со статусом Parve. Информация получена от :source. Заметки: notes