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Lewis & Son Australia
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Kosher Australia


Considered the world’s healthiest spice and Nature’s ‘wonder drug,’ the king of all spices, turmeric, has received a lot of attention from the scientific community in the recent years because of its many health-protective powers. Research is centred around the benefits of the curcumin compound found in turmeric, which has been shown to have anti-amyloid and antioxidant properties. One of the turmeric’s most impressive health benefits is its ability to stop inflammation, which plays a huge role in Alzheimer’s disease.

The bright yellow-orange powder is an ancient ingredient from India, dating back to the pre-Vedic culture, 4000 years B.C.E. Turmeric has earthy, acerbic taste and is a major component of curry powders and pastes. The spice imparts colour and flavour to pickles, chutneys and mustards and is used in fish curry and nasi kuning, a traditional Indonesian dish for special occasions, in which the rice is coloured with turmeric and shaped into a cone. It can be added to baked products, yellow cakes, biscuits, cereals, sauces, gelatins and lemonades.

Turmeric will instantly add brightness and flavour to your curry, or you can drink it in ginger, honey and lemon tea, a super spice flu fighter, which will make you feel better in no time at all.

For a filling, flavourful and healthy meal, add a teaspoon of turmeric to your chickpea and spinach curry, or for that magic golden hue, add it to your spiced pomegranate rice and remember, a dash of the right spice can have far-reaching consequences.