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Lewis & Son Australia
Kosher Australia


A whiff of rosemary’s refreshing, stimulating aroma will strengthen your memory and awaken your senses. A compound called carnosic acid, found in rosemary, prevents the production of amyloid plaques in the brain, which may block the ability of brain cells to communicate with each other. Inhalation of rosemary can increase the ability of healthy adults to remember things by 75 percent.

Rosemary is native to the Mediterranean region and is one of the most treasured culinary herbs, known for its distinctive, aromatic flavour, enhancing roast lamb, chicken and fish, and imparting subtle, piney notes to home-made bread, biscuits and conserves. It can be rubbed on food for easy seasoning and a sprinkling of it will help counteract dangerous compounds that build up when protein-rich foods are cooked at a very high heat. Rosemary is a concentrated source of vitamin A, improving the health of mucous membranes, skin and body tissues.

A member of the mint family, rosemary combines well with garlic, oregano and paprika, and is especially tasty in tomato dishes. Add it to your favourite Salsa di Pomodoro, or toss it with parsley, lemon peel, olive oil and lemon juice and pour over crispy cubes of golden brown roasted potatoes. A steaming cup of rosemary tea will make you feel warm inside on a chilly morning, rejuvenate your spirit and guard you against the stresses of the day.