Information about alert on kosher products

Detailed information about organization
11 SEPTEMBER 2015  - 27 ELUL 5775 Pomegranates available at KOSHER WORLD and at FRESH FELLAS are approved by the Beth Din subject to the conditions below: All Israeli fresh fruit which is currently available in South Africa, even under the ‘heter mechira’ is to be regarded as having Kedushat Shevi’it (sanctity of the seventh year). Any Israeli vegetables should be avoided if at all possible. [Please note: ‘Israeli Tomatoes’ are locally grown and are not a product of Israel] Purchasing the fruit, when buying from a Jew, should be done by credit card, not a cash payment. The Terumot and Ma’asrot (Ma’aser Rishon and Ma’aser Oni) must be separated but without a b’rachah [Please see the UOS website under ‘Produce of Israel’]. The fruit must be eaten in the way they are generally eaten locally, as follows: *A period when there is no longer any such produce in the fields. ******************************************