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Lewis & Son Australia
Kosher Australia


Whether it’s the bright brick-coloured Lecsó, the Ratatouille of Hungary, or the rich, soupy brunch, shakshuka, the power of paprika never fails to charm the eye and delight the senses. More than that, a pinch of paprika will spice up your health, as the bright red powder is a good source of vitamins A, E and vitamin B6, and contains anti-inflammatory properties. Vitamin A plays a critical role in allowing you to process light into sight and helps maintain the outermost tissue layer of the eye, cornea. Diets high in vitamin E are associated with decreased cancer risk and have shown to be beneficial in the prevention of cataracts. Vitamin B6 is responsible for the production of non-protein substances, such as the neurotransmitters serotonin and dopamine. An antibacterial protein found in paprika inhibits the growth of certain bacteria such as Salmonella and E.coli. Its high vitamin C content will help keep your immune system strong.

It takes a lot of work producing this wonderful spice. Paprika will liven up the blandest of dishes and transform a dull potato into a delicious and satisfying meal. Unleash your paprika passion and ignite your next Paprikás krumpli with a sprinkle of this fine crimson powder!