Found 91 kosher products

Kosher information for category `ICE CREAM & LOLLIES` in Europe.

In Europe there are 39 organizations, certifying kosher products. We found 91 kosher products. Checkout the following list in order to get the most comprehensive information about kosher products in Europe. Search by product name, brand, category - just type in keywords and press `Go!` button.

Note: If you don't see information, it does not mean it is not kosher automatically - it might just not to be included in our database for some reason.

Is product kosher in Europe? Found 91 kosher products

Search for kosher products by term `` in Europe results 91 kosher products. The most relevant product is Old Fashioned Butter Pecan Baskin-Robbins [NOTE: Toppings, cones and flavours not listed are NOT KOSHER APPROVED.  Individual Baskin-Robbins STORES AND KIOSKS ARE NOT SUPERVISED by the KCI, KLBD or any other Rabbinical Authority, Some outlets sell sealed packs bearing a KLBD logo,  When purchasing from an open container, please ensure a CLEAN SCOOP is used.] with status Parve. Information is obtained from Irish Jewish Community. Ireland. Notes:


Old Fashioned Butter Pecan

Baskin-Robbins [NOTE: Toppings, cones and flavours not listed are NOT KOSHER APPROVED.  Individual Baskin-Robbins STORES AND KIOSKS ARE NOT SUPERVISED by the KCI, KLBD or any other Rabbinical Authority, Some outlets sell sealed packs bearing a KLBD logo,  When purchasing from an open container, please ensure a CLEAN SCOOP is used.]

Information from Irish Jewish Community. Ireland

Orange Sherbet

Baskin-Robbins [NOTE: Toppings, cones and flavours not listed are NOT KOSHER APPROVED.  Individual Baskin-Robbins STORES AND KIOSKS ARE NOT SUPERVISED by the KCI, KLBD or any other Rabbinical Authority, Some outlets sell sealed packs bearing a KLBD logo,  When purchasing from an open container, please ensure a CLEAN SCOOP is used.]

Information from Irish Jewish Community. Ireland

Pistachio Almond

Baskin-Robbins [NOTE: Toppings, cones and flavours not listed are NOT KOSHER APPROVED.  Individual Baskin-Robbins STORES AND KIOSKS ARE NOT SUPERVISED by the KCI, KLBD or any other Rabbinical Authority, Some outlets sell sealed packs bearing a KLBD logo,  When purchasing from an open container, please ensure a CLEAN SCOOP is used.]

Information from Irish Jewish Community. Ireland

Pralines & Cream

Baskin-Robbins [NOTE: Toppings, cones and flavours not listed are NOT KOSHER APPROVED.  Individual Baskin-Robbins STORES AND KIOSKS ARE NOT SUPERVISED by the KCI, KLBD or any other Rabbinical Authority, Some outlets sell sealed packs bearing a KLBD logo,  When purchasing from an open container, please ensure a CLEAN SCOOP is used.]

Information from Irish Jewish Community. Ireland

Rainbow Sherbet

Baskin-Robbins [NOTE: Toppings, cones and flavours not listed are NOT KOSHER APPROVED.  Individual Baskin-Robbins STORES AND KIOSKS ARE NOT SUPERVISED by the KCI, KLBD or any other Rabbinical Authority, Some outlets sell sealed packs bearing a KLBD logo,  When purchasing from an open container, please ensure a CLEAN SCOOP is used.]

Information from Irish Jewish Community. Ireland

Red Raspberry Sherbet

Baskin-Robbins [NOTE: Toppings, cones and flavours not listed are NOT KOSHER APPROVED.  Individual Baskin-Robbins STORES AND KIOSKS ARE NOT SUPERVISED by the KCI, KLBD or any other Rabbinical Authority, Some outlets sell sealed packs bearing a KLBD logo,  When purchasing from an open container, please ensure a CLEAN SCOOP is used.]

Information from Irish Jewish Community. Ireland

Sorbet Lemon, Sorbet Mango

Baskin-Robbins [NOTE: Toppings, cones and flavours not listed are NOT KOSHER APPROVED.  Individual Baskin-Robbins STORES AND KIOSKS ARE NOT SUPERVISED by the KCI, KLBD or any other Rabbinical Authority, Some outlets sell sealed packs bearing a KLBD logo,  When purchasing from an open container, please ensure a CLEAN SCOOP is used.]

Information from Irish Jewish Community. Ireland


Baskin-Robbins [NOTE: Toppings, cones and flavours not listed are NOT KOSHER APPROVED.  Individual Baskin-Robbins STORES AND KIOSKS ARE NOT SUPERVISED by the KCI, KLBD or any other Rabbinical Authority, Some outlets sell sealed packs bearing a KLBD logo,  When purchasing from an open container, please ensure a CLEAN SCOOP is used.]

Information from Irish Jewish Community. Ireland

Very Berry Strawberry

Baskin-Robbins [NOTE: Toppings, cones and flavours not listed are NOT KOSHER APPROVED.  Individual Baskin-Robbins STORES AND KIOSKS ARE NOT SUPERVISED by the KCI, KLBD or any other Rabbinical Authority, Some outlets sell sealed packs bearing a KLBD logo,  When purchasing from an open container, please ensure a CLEAN SCOOP is used.]

Information from Irish Jewish Community. Ireland